About Us

Azzurra arrived in Australia over 20yrs ago and continued its very proud tradition of producing products that specifically meet market needs. From 3/2 litre dual flush toilet suite technology through to the 6 star WELS rated tapware, Azzurra refuses to compromise in the pursuit of sustainable technology for a sustainable world.
Azzurra is supporting the local Australian markets with a centralised distribution centre in the hub of the commercial precinct at Brendale in Queensland. These facilities are home to Azzurra’s Sales & Administration team, Quality Assurance Program & Factory Assembly area, Watermark Certified Lab Testing Facilities & Warehouse.
Our Story & Mission
A World First
With an unwavering reputation for quality, Azzurra unveils the innovative Ultra Low Dual Flushing system. The world’s first WaterMark certified system with an average flush volume of 2.2 litres, the ULDF ushers in a new era of sustainable bathroom products.
This ground-breaking, high performance technology is Azzurra’s answer to preserving water, the world’s most precious resource.
Invented in Australia
Developed in Australia, the ULDF was crafted by Azzurra for commercial and private customers seeking a more sustainable system over conventional options.
With easy installation and retrofit into existing buildings, the ULDF aligns with the diverse Australian architectural landscape, from residential homes and medium to high density apartment complexes, to schools and offices.
Average 2.2 Litres of Water Flushing
ULDF is fully tested, approved and WaterMark certified. Through its innovative toilet and drainage technology, the reduced flush volumes do not adversely affect drainage systems; in fact, the design improves drainage efficiency and successfully meets all new Australian standards.
The ULDF is another stellar example Azzurra’s commitment to greener, more sustainable products, now and into the future.
Preserving Water
From the 3/2 litre dual flush toilet suite technology through to 6-star WELS rated tapware, Azzurra is devoted to the pursuit of innovative solutions for a sustainable world. The ULDF performs with an average flush volume of 2.2 litres, surpassing previous models without sacrificing performance.
The ULDF is ‘a complete water saving solution for every situation and budget’ and exemplifies Azzurra’s ongoing commitment to innovation and green products.
Our products

Innovative and Sleek
Azzurra stakes its reputation in meeting modern living design challenges with ingenuity and style. The ULDF is a water efficient solution cleverly engineered into smart contemporary design.
The ULDF is a stylish match for new builds or existing residential, corporate and educational environments. Water conservation looks this good while out-performing its predecessors.
One of a Kind
The ULDF stands alone in performance and design. The system’s one of a kind technology sets new benchmarks in sustainability, surpassing other conventional options the world over.
Azzurra has provided the Australian construction and renovation industry with high quality, reliable products for nearly 2 decades. The ULDF illustrates our dedication to the changing needs of both our customers and our planet, now and for the next generation.